Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A Surprise Gift 🎁 & A Mystery Giver

I must admit that at times I was wishing for an unexpected gift 🎁 during my convalescence but didn't expect to get one!! 

It's such a sweet gift 🎁 perfectly tailored to me! I still don't know who sent it!

Well today was a good day. I took Advil Cold and Sinus this morning. My cold seems much better. It came out of nowhere... as in one minute I was fine then next minute emptying a Kleenex box! 🤧

I didn't get a lot of reading done but did finish some letters! 📮💌✒️

The cookbook is a treasure! I want to read lots more novels after reading the quotations!!!☺️📚

I am currently icing my foot. It was getting to the unhappy stage of discomfort when it feels tight from swelling and I get to my limit of endurance and needed ice ASAP!

So my Instagram is back! I remembered backup codes found them and got back in! Am happy to be back. 

Well. Tomorrow is 5 weeks since surgery. I am glad I canceled my appointments. I am getting eager to get out again...and to my library! 

But I have also gotten a lot done in studying for my writing project. 

And I have done some writing on it as well. 

So it goes. I hope each of you are doing well! Or that you are making it through each day... I know so many are in difficult situations. .... 🙏❤️

May God have mercy on us!!!🙏❤️

1 comment:

Martha said...

I also got a surprise gift in the mail yesterday! A monogrammed mug "M" and it was such a good thing...on a super cold day.