Thursday, June 20, 2019

Rest, Avocado Toast, Pizza, the Waltons and a wonderful quiet day

Yay! I got some rest!
It was a quiet day, I went absolutely *no where* save the garage
to get some more oil for my lampadas.
I listened to peaceful quiet music (Orthodox, Classical and Alexis Ffrench on YouTube)
I made a great avocado toast for lunch on English muffins...
here's how I did it, inspired by Deb Perelman + a few local restaurants:
Avocado toast with fried eggs!.... 
Buttered English muffin and avocado with salt, pepper, onion salt, and chili powder
 .... a light dusting of each…
 the fried eggs had scallions cut up in them… 
once the egg was fried on one side I put the scallions on top 
(scallions being another name for green onions)
 and then flipped them over… 
ones done placed on top of the avocado and enjoyed! melted oil was coconut oil! 
Pizza for dinner.  The store bought crust was a bit "underwhelming" sadly.
But still good + some easy guacamole (salt, pepper, lemon juice mashed) with 
chips and a spinach salad (with sliced almonds and blueberries with oil and balsamic!)
and a salad while we watched the Walton's! 
Friday and Saturday have some fun NJ things we are going to do
and I hope to tell you about these next week!
May God have mercy on us 
and help us! 


Martha said...

I'm sure you meant "avocado" of my fav toppings is simply pink Himalayan salt, Trader Joe's everything-but-the-bagel seasoning is amazing!! And red onions and cilantro are my fav, if we have it!

elizabeth said...

Yes that is what I meant thanks!!!!

Diana said...

So glad you were able to get that rest you needed! I love your blue and white tray, well all of your blue and white ware, it's soooo pretty. I'm going to make your breakfast soon, Jerry thinks it sounds "mighty good." The reading in your book for Day 67 sounds exactly like me lately... I wonder about all the fuss and everything people go through every day. It's worth it if it's for God's glory, but do most people remember to do that? I often have to take that "step back" so I can focus on Him. Blessings to you this day, Elizabeth! ♥

Granny Marigold said...

I enlarged the reading on attentiveness because it's something I keep trying to achieve but sadly I fail most days. Oh well, I keep trying.
I don't find store bought pizza crusts very good. My DH likes naan ( store bought) as his pizza base, I make mine from scratch. ( Because he likes totally different toppings such as meat which I don't eat so we each have our own "personal pizza".

Lisa Richards said...

I'll have to try my own version of that avocado toast. (Using what I have on hand.) Thanks so much for sharing pictures of your pretty home and table. It's fun to examine them! Have lots of fun this weekend!