Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A bit about today...flowers, festive food and friends

The flowering plant on our table sure is a show-off, hey?! 
My Husband got a bunch of plants from work 
as they change their displays and don't need them...
He was so excited to bring these all home for me
as I was gone last week and he missed me! :) 
My friend Photini visited me today!
It was really nice!
She is getting better but still needs our prayers.
I had fun setting the table with various things that had
either green, gold or silver on white pottery...
since Pentecost is green in colour...
The twitterpated card I made for Mr Husband on the plane
back to New Jersey
after seeing many costly cards that did not say
all that I wanted to tell him...
Progress is happening with doctor's appointments for my eyes...
tomorrow I have an appointment with my normal eye doctor who
does my glasses and vision checking
(and who is one of the best eye doctors I have ever had)... 
I have not watched many movies
including this one, but I love this music...
heard it again today...

It has a lot of beauty and a feel of "history" in this music...
I pray each of you is given the peace, comfort and strength
for whatever the next step is in your life;
"do the next thing, what ever is in front of you" is some of 
the most comforting life directives that I have been given....
May God help us and have mercy!


Lisa Richards said...

Twitterpated was one of my husband's favorite words. I thought he made it up! :)
Wow, lots of exotic flowers at your place!
Glad Photini was able to visit. I'll continue to lift her up.
I like that quote about doing the thing that is front of you. The next thing. Good advice.
God bless y'all!

Granny Marigold said...

Your flowers are truly lovely!!
I hope your eye appointment tomorrow ( probably today) goes well.
I remember we saw Dances with Wolves in the theatre way back when it came out.
I know we enjoyed the movie but I hadn't remembered that the music was so beautiful.

Elizabethd said...

How very pretty your table looked. And the flowers! Amazing.