Monday, September 22, 2014

{our time in PEI}: the wedding reception...

It was such a lovely, simple reception,
with what I would call warm home elegance.

A beautiful cake.

A thoughtful cake for those GF.

Beautiful flowers.
It was such a lovely time.
And so wonderful to see my dear friend on her 
wedding day as the Bride.
It was all just so fitting 
and to see her family surround her with love,
her community and their love of Christ
and to be near so many who loved Christ,
culture, reading, classics, the Inklings, and all of these
things together.
I was so very glad that I was there for that 
very special day.


Reinventing Mother said...

Weddings are so much fun!!!

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

The cake was stunning, and I did love the sound of all the desserts - yum!