Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, almost fully half-way to Pascha

Tomorrow, as I heard on Sunday,
is half-way to Pascha.
How much we all want to be there!
But we need to go through Great Lent...
the Resurrection comes by going through the Cross...

So I had a tablet.
It died. Just a Lenten temptation. 
There are many of these.
So now I have a chromebook.
I am learning how to use it and cleaned up my 
Google drive files...
Spring cleaning electronically I gather.
I am thinking a lot these days on how to make our
lives not only more functional, but more beautiful.
Clutter and general apathy in terms of habits/mess
means that a lot of changes that
frankly are not easy to do.
It's funny but building habits like
putting things away immediately are hard to master.
I am weak and so keep thinking and working on it, 
trying to pray...
I managed to clean up my Google drive and my actual desk area...
Laundry, that other constant, still needs to be done... 

Yet the orchid has a second flower now...
and a third on the way.
1 hour of watering, 1 day/week.
God is very merciful.
It takes a long time, at least in my life,
to realize what one needs to do
and how to reorient oneself to live in a more
whole manner, 
which I am seeing is not found in some grand philosophy
or understanding a profound truth,
though we need these too,
but it is in things like cleaning one's desk,
putting away paper, making one's bed,
washing clothes.
So many times it is just the little things that I can do
but doing them consistently makes for 
a more peaceful, ordered and beautiful existence. 


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

God grant us perseverance on our Lenten journey. What a shame about your tablet....

Reinventing Mother said...

So beautiful !

Lisa said...

Keep plodding forward, Elizabeth!

Peacocks and Sunflowers said...

Must be something in the air - I am working on just the same things especially these last couple of weeks, organisation, tidying, keeping routine tasks up to date. I find it hard to do a little, consistently, every day,rather than sailing in all guns blazing and then running out of steam - slow and steady does it. Bon courage!