Sunday, September 05, 2010


I have been feeling the pressure of my up and coming interview.
To read all the research,
work on my presentation
and do other things
to prepare
is exhausting.
Don't get me wrong - I am really excited for the opportunity.
I just need to do enough research
to really understand what I am presenting.
The day of interview (I have the schedule now)
is from 8 am until 4:15 pm
this Friday.
I have been worried that I am getting a head cold,
esp. as the weather is changing.
But God is so good.
I am so supported by my family, friends, church family;
I could not ask for more
(well other than perhaps not coming down with any sort of illness
this week!).
I have been enjoying Sunday to catch up on some blog reading
of dear blog friends,
but if I am not commenting it is merely due to my
current situation.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and blessed beginning of this week
and a nice Labour day to any who are in countries
that celebrate it.
God is good to us.


Michelle M. said...

My prayers for you! I am going to a time of huge uncertainty right now, so I can somewhat relate. I am sure you will be prepared and I will pray that nothing (like your health) stands in the way of you presenting yourself in the best light possible. Hugs!

margaret said...

We are thinking of you. A whole day sounds so daunting.

Kassianni said...

praying for you and your job interviews. I know how stressful that can be.

Pres. Kathy said...

You are in our prayers! I hope you feel okay! Take care of yourself!

Juliana said...

You are in my prayers!

elizabeth said...

thank you so much for all your prayers! So far so good health wise - no cold. I will make it through this day because of all the prayers. Thank you!

Beth said...

Prayers for you tomorrow!

biss said...

This picture looks a lot like the view from my bedroom window.