Thursday, February 27, 2020

About Today (And my new motto: Pray, not Panic)

Today was a day full of various things.
Morning cleanup and then making more of my favourite Pasta sauce
As I wrote elsewhere: 
We opened a bottle of red wine Sunday night for our
 meatfare chicken dinner we had...
 this week is what we call 'Butter Week' or 'Cheesefare week' ...
 the week that we have already given up (for Lent) meat 
but not fish or dairy. But red wine did not fit in with the meals 
we had so I poured it all (more than the recipe 1 cup) into this pasta sauce! 
I've done so before and it is delicious!! 
I've been making it for years! 
First time I made it I think was in Walnut Grove BC 
when I was still living in BC!
So I prepared that before lunch.
lunch was a delicious fried egg and raisin-cinnamon toast with Peanut Butter 
and a nice pot of tea of course, and kombucha, so good! 
Then I packed up everything to make a simple blini (Russian large thin crepe)
for L. who moved to a new place for more rehabilitation since she
broke her hip in December.
Her lungs still are not that great and have problems.  Asking your prayers!
She loved the blini, she had farmers cheese and apricot jam warmed up
and then some sour cream on top!
I got some new tea today,
I made salmon for dinner and 
got the fia pasta sauce prepared for freezing tomorrow. 
And DV tomorrow, I plan on making fish soup... 
I wrote this a bit earlier today:

From this article -- serious stuff -- 
"SARS killed 774 people and infected 8,098 between November 2002 and July 2003.
 The new coronavirus has killed more than three times that many people in eight weeks."

I am seeing more people talk about this - 
and have gotten emails from medical offices about it.
 I keep thinking "Pray, not panic; Pray, be prepared; 
Pray for those impacted; 
Pray, for wisdom to know how to be prepared; Pray, not panic" ...

I think one of the hardest things right now about this is merely that 
we simply do not know what will happen worldwide 
or within our communities themselves. 
Pray, not panic; Pray for a peaceful heart as you prepare.

I know some are not worried much at all; 
I am sure it is coming to where I live; 
we are so close to NYC which is 40% of the airspace of the US....

Pray for a peaceful heart; pray, not panic.
 I think this is going to be one of my Lenten disciplines! 


Granny Marigold said...

Pray, not Panic. I agree, it's a very good attitude to take.
Your pasta sauce looks so good. I'm sure all the red wine will have made it even better than usual.

Elizabethd said...

Red wine does make a sauce, or even a stew, very tasty.

Gloria said...

Hello Elizabeth! It's been a while. Yes, at we enter into Lent we can rest in the Lord, pray not panic. Your wine infused sauce looks delicious! I will try to come back and visit again soon.

Mat. Anna said...

Pray, not panic. Yes, I realized early on that panic was exceptionally useless and there was no such thing as being completely prepared for something so nebulous, with so many unknowns. We wait to see how this will play out and in the meantime we carry on as usual. Church services every night this week on top of the usual daily things do tend to keep one occupied. Maybe I should worry more. I’ve asked God to let me know if there’s anything that I really need to address beyond basic prudence.