Monday, November 07, 2011

Restoration: home, quiet and Cleo

Resting up today.

I know the rules by now; when you are able

and are exhausted,


Rest to be restored

to face the battles again.

Rest for me for this day

included resting in the morning.

Laundry and dishes now in the afternoon.

Eatting meatloaf and roasted vegetables.

Being very quiet.

Drinking tea.


Lighting candles, prayers, looking at my icons.

Asking for the Saint's help.

Seeking to remember God;

rememering God's mercy and the many

stories of His miracles in the lives

of my friends and family.


Reading a great post on

living life on the truest level.


It is sunny, quiet and Cleo is happy to have me home.


Mimi said...

Resting is good.

E Helena E said...

May rest and peace be yours. Thinking of you.