Sunday, November 20, 2011

Godbaby's First Communion

Today I took my godson to his first communion.

I got to hold him for almost all of the service

after the sermon.

He was in his white outfit I got him

(will try to take a picture of it later;

sorry I don't do pictures of people on my blog)

and I held him close to me,

gave him to the Mother of God to protect, care and raise him

and gave him his first theology lesson,

showing him the icons of the Theotokos and of Christ.

Can't start too early you know.

And I gave him lots and lots of kisses, cuddles and love.

Everyone admired him as I walked around church with

him and I was beaming the whole time.

Communion was very special

two deacons on either side holding the red cloth;

the one deacon is his godfather

and our little godbaby was draped with the red cloth,

given the Blood of Christ,

the very life of Christ

as his godfather said


many times and it was so beautiful


all surrounding with love...

It was such a deep and beautiful time.

It is a great honour and privilege to have this godson

and to be able to pray for him.

I know I am responsible for helping him grow and

giving him spiritual instruction.

I know that as long as I remember that I am not worthy

then there is hope of myself getting out of the way

for God to work.

To say I am thrilled I think would merely be an understatement.


Peacocks and Sunflowers said...

Lovely post! I think you are very sensible not to put people photos, especially identifiable ones, on your blog, but from your happy description I have such a nice mental image of you and your new little godson in church :) Many Years!

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

What a great joy and a blessing to be able to do this ! God grant you and your godson Many Years !