Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday Afternoon Updates

Today is the (old calendar) feast of the

My Saints Calendar for today

(I am using an older year as I did not yet get 2011)

told the story briefly and that this icon is known

for healing those with eye diseases and blindness;

what a wonderful story to read this morning,

given the prayer request for one of the beautiful

young girls in my parish...


I have not found an online version of the Akathist

but did find some smaller prayers to pray...

(thanks to some of my online friends who helped

me in this!)


Will have to get for the future, a paper copy, which

have for sale...


In other news, I found out this morning

that I will have a second interview on Monday morning...

I made the first cut for the Tuesday interview I had!

So now I have an interview Friday (tomorrow)

and Monday.

I ask your prayers.


I am so glad we can pray for each other

and that so many are praying for the young girl


By the prayers of our brothers and sister,

O Lord Jesus Christ,

Save us!

1 comment:

RW said...

a big congratulations for making it to the second interview.

stay peaceful this weekend. and cool.
apparently we are in for some warmer weather ourselves.