Saturday, July 09, 2011

Saturday Sunshine

Beautiful day here!

The picture above is from a few days ago

when it rained.

I have my nativity set up year round.

Yesterday and today I have the song

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

in my head!

It's in part because I am missing home and

can't wait God willing to see everyone again.

Got word that my work as a researcher

is appreciated and that they

hope to send me more work again!

Am still doing my current contract for them;

really love my work,

am so thankful.

An answer to many prayers...

Today I visit a librarian friend who also has a cat.

We both enjoy being stereotypical librarians :)


So glad for vespers tonight and liturgy tomorrow morning.

We are so blessed to have the church.


What are you up to this weekend?


E Helena E said...

That is a blessing about the contract!

Peacocks and Sunflowers said...

So glad your contract is going well! always nice to be appreciated at work :) I went to the monastery (only one in Britain, a double house, in Essex) for the first time yesterday, a lovely day visit of which more soon...

elizabeth said...

E-H, YES, I am so grateful..

Anna, thank you! That is so neat that you went to the monastery in Essex - Fr. Sophrony's if I understand this correctly...

would love to hear more about it :)