Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cleo says I should be studying...

I am slowly working through a French test.

I need to clean house and be a bit stronger on organization.

Also need to find other places to study...

I have to study more;

am creating a strategy for studying for these tests.

First, do the test and research the answers

(so I know why I got it right or wrong).

Second, make a list of vocab words from the test

Third, figure out the areas of grammar that I have to review

Fourth, study study study.

I really need God's help for strength, comprehension and discipline.

I welcome your French Test Study Suggestions

(I feel like I should call them FTSS to sound

bureaucratic like government LOL!)

This picture of Cleo represents summer to me...
Sunshine on Cleo as she looks for birds
in the green green trees...


margaret said...

Love the first photo but love the last one more.

I hope others come up with good FTSS ideas.

elizabeth said...

Thanks Margaret! Yeah, that Cleo always steals the show! :)

Emily H. said...

When I was studying German I would rely on constant repetition to help me remember.

Are you able to meet with someone in your class and study together? Too bad Cleo doesn't speak French or I'm sure she'd help you! :)

mamajuliana said...

When I returned to school as a 'married lady but BC-before children' I found out that I could not study at home. There was always something else for me to do! I couldn't keep my mind on studying for more than 5 minutes! I found that going to the library worked for me.

But who could go to the library and leave Cleo your study partner, right?