Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Progress and a memory of my recovery

Another walk today. A bit shorter of one but good.  I am feeling hungry it seems often but I wonder if some of that is missing Peter. 

I got more reading done.  This is not an easy book but rewarding because of it being a challenge. It feels a bit easier now that I am nearly done. 

A memory of the first days that I had my memory back: I was in a great deal of shock and escaped into DE Stevenson novels.... I remember that one of the only things that I got comfort from was meals, food.  It was like I was just holding on.  Even just talking to others was an effort. I think I was both very tired but also in great emotional shock and probably some depression. I remember feeling like I had very little to comfort me or look forward to.  For the first week or so I not only still felt really unwell physically but I just didn't want to talk to anyone. Even calling my Mom was an effort and she is someone I call daily! I am much better now.   

Taking walks, working on my writing project are both good positive things for me but also my effort to rebuild my life. 

I am so wishing for more of this. 

My rash changes a bit every day. It looks better in some ways.  Your prayers are helping me stay peaceful about it. 

Thank you 😊 

May God have mercy on us 🙏 

1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

I'm sorry you had to experience such an awful time but I'm thankful that you're getting better. Just being out in the fresh air and having a short walk in sunshine helps, I'm sure. How fortunate you are to speak often with your Mother. Take care, GM