Friday, April 28, 2023

Beauty on a cloudy day and rainy evening

Thank God I was able to take a short walk today! I hope to keep going on that.

I was reading different emails Peter had sent me through the years. Some of the first were all job postings as I was a newly minted librarian! This is in 2006 when my blog was in its first year 😊

He was one of my very good friends. When I first heard of his death I felt like I had lost one of my very best friends 💔 

I am blessed to have had, especially in my adult life, many good friends over the years. 

Though when I was a kid I also had more family around so I really have been blessed. 

I talked with my Grandma and Mom today. My Grandma was excited because her sister-in-law had some teacups for me. 😊 

Did I mention this memory? About when I lost my memory and was recovering. I may have so forgive me for any repetition! I bought the pretty lamp (named LARISSA) for my Husband as he was going through a lot with my manic-predisone brain and my need for very dim lightning and such.  I think I had to have him either talk slowly or more quietly also.  And he was having a hard time in lots of ways, none of which he caused.  So I bought this beautiful lamp as a gift. I remember putting it together and needing his help. I was already getting sick with my memory loss but we didn't quite understand what was happening. 

When I saw the lamp it often reminded me that I had lost my memory (when I was going in and out of memory loss and memory regained) 💔 

Then when my memory was back, but I was still in a lot of shock, could barely believe it happened, I felt really ambivalent and a bit guilty about the lamp. Like it was wrong of me to have bought. 

I also went through a while where I felt that it was my fault that I was sick and lost my memory.

I am much better now! The lamp makes me happy.  It's the most expensive gift I have given my Husband (and it is in honour of one of my Husband's friends). It has 2 light bulbs switches that you pull down on 2 different strings. I find it fun to turn on and off.  It's pretty and I love how it reflects in the window when it is dark. 

So in simple ways I can see how much better I am. 

My rash on my forehead is still there. I can never tell if it is improving. In ways it is but it's moved around in about a 2 inch space. I welcome prayers 🙏 

I have not heard back regarding the biopsy I had of it to see if it is Sweets Syndrome.  I should know next week. 

May God have mercy on us all... 🙏 ❤️


Granny Marigold said...

The lamp is very lovely and a fitting gift for a caring husband. I like the reflection in the window. And all the pink blossoms on the sidewalk!

Becki said...

It is a lovely lamp. And yes... those pink blossoms on the sidewalk are so pretty.

Gretchen Joanna said...

I agree with Becki and GM! It's nice to have such a beautiful and practical memory prompt!

Martha said...

The pink flower petals on the sidewalk are lovely. Is it Sweet Syndrome that caused the rash on your forehead?