Friday, April 30, 2021

Holy and Good Friday ~ AND ~ Looking Towards Pascha

We have made it! Holy Week has flown by... we stayed local through today, Holy Friday.  It was what we needed to do in this seeming in-between time of not being in a pandemic hot zone but not out of the pandemic.  We needed more rest than normally and so this was the way through for us.  Tomorrow DV we will be at our far-away church.  I have dear dear friends in Ottawa who can't fully go to church right now because of the pandemic.  Not to mention the world-situation is difficult for it.  But still.  I am so grateful.  We were IN church.  We've been spared a lot of pain that others are still going through.  Though my sister-friend and I were talking recently and it is clear that each person on this planet is suffering something because of the pandemic.  We all have our difficulties, many of which stay in the world of privacy and not written about publicly.  

A friend sent us Polish Pansky eggs, I am so grateful for the additional beauty.  I find that doing the work for feasts of Christmas and Easter (and others too!) by what we eat, how we decorate the house, really matters.  It turns our sorrow into joy or at least we are consoled by the beauty that our home contains.  And having such traditions really help sustain in hard times.  And we all know this past year has had lots of hard times. 

And so, my Pascha baskets are ready to take to church, my Pascha outfit (mainly white with hints of red), are all ready.  I am ready to go from Christ's Passion to His Pascha, His glorious, beautiful life-changing Resurrection. 

I don't think I will blog again until after Pascha, so don't worry about any silence here.  I am just busy and away from my computer. 

God bless you all and keep you! May Christ carry us to His Holy Resurrection! 


Lisa said...

A Happy Pascha to you! xo

Lisa Richards said...

Glad you're able to go to church! Happy Pascha! :)

Martha said...

So true about our various suffering due to recent issues and privacy. Many temptations. BUT now "Christ is Risen!" And by the grace of Bright Week I feel my spirit lifted!

Gloria said...

Hello Elizabeth, I have missed not stopping by. Your church looks so beautiful! I hope your Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday were a great blessing to you. Kalo Pascha!