Saturday, May 19, 2012

I made it to vespers.
Took pictures on the way.

This is one of my favourite walks. 
Orthoman and I went often
during our visits here.

I love the trees,
the green
and the beautiful old brick houses.

When I first moved to Ottawa
almost 7 years ago
I lived near this park.

The OC Transpo buses.

I took this walk knowing
it is one of my goodbye to Ottawa walks.
For months already people have been telling
Orthoman and I how fast
time will go
and we will be at our wedding day
in no time at all.

And I talked to my Grandma
whose healing is still going very slow
about thankfulness
and that a thankful heart is a light heart.
My voice is going out
and I am trying to take it easy and not get sick.
I am almost ready for cemetery day
and hope I can make it there
one last time
to the little chapel to pray.

1 comment:

Matushka Anna said...

Ottawa is so pretty! I know you'll miss it. Glad your grandmother is recovering albeit slowly.