Thursday, September 29, 2011

Home Again

Thank you all so much for your prayers

and encouragement.


It meant a lot to me.


I am home now.

It was really hard. I am more of a quiet

introverted type and

the all day meeting and social events was exhausting.

A few times during breaks I would slip outside

for a minutes peace to be alone

and I felt like those moments were heaven.

I can't say so much for the rest of the time but

thank God that I am home now.


I admit to missing my contract work where I could just

work at home.

Too bad that there is not an easier balance.


I am trusting God that He can show me the way

through all of this.


Thank you again for your prayers

and encouragement.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Prayer Please

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed

at present.

I have an all day social work thing tomorrow

and these sorts of things

are really tiring for me.

I ask your prayers.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Evening Accomplishments

I now have a dry erase 2 month calendar and

white board in my hallway.

Great for visually seeing what I need to do.

I finally charged up my drill

and put the dry erase board up.

It is not as ascetically ideal

but is very helpful.

I got some new Pyrex dishes for work.

I managed to prepare food in them for tomorrow

and get almost all my dishes done.

This my friends is a real accomplishment.

As usually, Cleo was waiting for the food to

come out of the oven,

mistaken yet again in thinking she will eat some.

She's rather cute however,

and I plan on keeping her,

regardless of her actions...


This is going to be another busy week;

feast of the Cross Tuesday;

social evening on Wednesday

and an all day staff retreat Thursday.


God is good;

I am still praying for many in great need;

may God's tender mercy be felt by all.

Sunday - Sun in late September

Cleo is still struggling a bit.

My schedule is so different now that I am working

and I think it is hard for her to adjust.

Am trying to help her with this and

am open to any Cat suggestions :)

I have not visited my favourite tree lately.

I am feeling the need to do so;

now that I am working I suddenly need to pencil everything in;

but thank God for the change...

That said, I could use a bit of time

just sitting on a bench

by the canal...

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Mulit-tasked Life

So today started out beautifully;

sunny day;

was feeling great!

was going to go to the library before work

as both the library and work are in walking distance

for me.

I have a blackberry for work and was reading an email

from my boss while walking.

And I failed to see the curb and fell,

bloodying one palm a bit, skinning both knees

and making a hole in one of my pant legs.

My blackberry went flying out on the sidewalk in front of me;

I remained calm, picked myself and the

phone up and kept walking,

bleeding hand held by other hand

to the library.

Got disoriented, went one street to far,

turned around,

ended up talking to some young 20 year olds in trouble,

needing food, Lord have mercy on them,

and then went to the library.

To find out that the library did not open till ten.


Walked to work, hand holding hand.

I work on the 14th floor.

The elevators are being redone and none of them were working.


Holding blackberry in injured hand,

I managed to look up MPOW phone number,

call them,

explain and then go home

bandaid hand, knee, change clothes,

eat some food

and go back to work.


Elevator working.

Kind colleagues.


now entails going back to library

(books due and more to pick up)

dropping pants at tailor to be fixed

(they were good pants!)

buying a sandwich

dropping off heavy book bag at home

back to work,

eating sandwich as I work at my desk.

And that's how my 4th Friday and end of my

first month on the job



I believe thanksgiving to God and my Guardian Angel are in order...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eve of Feasts

Cleo was misbehaving tonight;

then I realized it was an even of a Feast

(Birth of the Theotokos)

and that temptations come at these times.


Work is going well.


Still doing contract work as well.

I do not work Sundays

but my Saturdays have been so full that

my housekeeping continues to suffer.


The Lord is with us.

That is all I need to remember...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Soon to work for the day

I love St. Nicholas.


This is my third week of work.

Still adjusting.

A challenge to always keep one's inward balance.

The real intensity of my new job has not begun yet;

I am seeking not to be fearful.


Keeping up my spiritual reading,

even if it is only a few pages at a time,

is really helpful.


Orthodoxy can save us at such different layers

and such deep levels.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Home with a head cold

Ended up having

super bad insomnia

and came down with a head cold.

The change of weather can do this as well.

So lots of resting today.


I hope to go to work tomorrow as I don't have

a lot of sick days being less than 2 weeks into my new job.


I have a bit of contract work to do also,

which I am really happy about as I love the work

and it will go towards a plane ticket home

later this year.


I will of course try to maintain a life/work balance.


I know I am in a bit of transition and so my blog

posts are bound to be at times

not as many

and at times a bit

up-and-down in emotion and feel.

Just have to ride the job newness and changes out...


Lots to pray for:

amidst many others...


May I take this moment to reaffirm that I appreciate each

and everyone of my blog readers;

my dear blog friends,

you've been upholding and blessing me for years.

Thank you.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The First Week and two busy weekends

So I survived my first 5 days of work.

It began well.

I found by the end of the first week that

it was a bit of an adjustment

to work in a place

where my title is not officially


though I am still using a lot of my librarian skills.

I found this hard actually.

But it is not an impossible situation;

just an adjustment.

And I am so glad to have a job.

So I am glad but keeping it real I guess.

Yesterday was the church picnic

and it was beautiful.

Last Saturday I was at the Greek monastery

and this was a blessing.

I got some new books and Icons...

will try to remember to talk about them sometime soon.

I bought roses for last Sunday's

feast of the Dormition;

kept them in my fridge for freshness;

had not done this before;

not sure if it helped or not.


On a bummer of a note,

it looks like I have that face rash for the 4th time now.

So off I will go again to deal with this.


On a serious note:

I have a friend who is really struggling right now;

if you can pray for her I would greatly

appreciate it.

Due to common sense I can't go into details,

but I love this friend like a sister

and it is heartbreaking to hear of her struggles.


On a chipper note:

Canada and the States both have Labour day tomorrow.

This means a day for me to cook and clean.

I am more than ready for a day to just be home.