Saturday, June 07, 2008

Prayer Request

forgive the cross-blog posting...

The summary of the story:I was a block from my apartment, saw a bus across the street, the traffic in front of me was stopped, I impulsively tried to cross the road and ran into a car. This car ran over my right foot, near the toe area and I immediately feel down in the middle of the intersection. I thank God that my foot only sustained what the doctor in training said is a crush injury, i.e. major bruising. I could have been severely injured or worse and I thank God, His Angles and protecting Saints, esp. St. George whose small icon I had in my purse.

This happened yesterday afternoon. I am home with foot elevated and iced. Matthew, Cheryl's husband, met in the emergency and I had 3 X-Rays of my foot. I thankfully have a week off because my new job starts training in a weeks time. Please pray that my foot heals well so I can walk again soon and not be hindered in my training.

Meanwhile I am on crutches.I am so Thankful that I was not hurt more and I will NEVER do something so impulsively foolish again...

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Ouch! Wow! I'm so glad it wasn't worse, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.