Sunday, August 28, 2022

A beautiful feast day

We had a really good dinner tonight. 

I am struggling a bit with sleep because I am struggling with grief. 

It was really great seeing friends today. 

Church was beautiful this morning.....


Granny Marigold said...

Your bouquet of zinnias is so pretty. I made one up that looks very much the same.
Your meal with friends went well I think. Now to prepare for the week ahead. I hope it's a good one.

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Blessed Feast! I see you had company for dinner. How lovely. You always set such a beautiful table.

karen said...

what a beautiful display! I'm sorry that grief is heavy and sleep is elusive, I'll be praying for you.

Gretchen Joanna said...

I agree with Sara. I love the idea of having friends over for festal meals but it rarely happens. How did you make that dessert in the fifth photo down, with the chocolatey looking spheres on top? Everything looks lovely, and yes! the zinnias especially, but of course, the food.

Blessed Feast of the Dormition! Today we commemorated The Glorious Beheading of the Baptist, but we still have the blue vestments and altar cloths until November.