Wednesday, July 13, 2022

What Day Is It Again?


I've made the vegan cranberry muffins 3 times in the last week and a half.  They are so delicious.  Recipe at top of this post.  I finally added it to my recipes page.

I drank so much tea today.  It was impressive.

Our days are so busy.  Last month was incredibly busy with family visits, etc.

DV I am going to NYC tomorrow to resume work on my writing project.  I am relieved to be starting this again.  It's what I have to do right now and by this I am being taught a lot.

I got to see, when I was in MI, one of my oldest friends.  I really don't have a lot of friends left there but she is one for life and I thank God for her. 

Earlier I thought it was Friday; I promptly called my Mom after realizing it was Wednesday and then forgot that it was, indeed, Wednesday! 

It is late now, so for now, may God bless and keep you, make His light shine upon you... 

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