Wednesday, May 18, 2022

I am getting better at grief work

There is a lot of loss right now in my life on various fronts, between my foster-nephew, the w-a-r and other things.  I am learning to face it, deal with it (accept it, not get stuck in it, have really good boundries about it). 

It's cool that I see that at least I am understanding something a bit better!

I read 15 pages of my big book yesterday.  Felt great.  Not even a chance to get 1 page in today but life is just really busy right now. 

I wrote the above on Tuesday!

Today is Wednesday!

Things continue to be quite busy.  I read about 1.5 pages of my book today, yesterday nothing.  But I am writing some for the writing project that the book I am reading is for.  

Tomorrow I am in NYC again! And this morning I was at liturgy. So beautiful. 

I am nearing the end of a smaller book, Orthodox, super vintage (1958 is early for Orthodox books in English!) that is for my writing project and boy oh boy, it's a treasure of a book.  

Well, I need to get ready for tomorrow and to bed.  So not saying more now.  But God is good to us, even in difficult times... 

1 comment:

pleximama said...

Grief always inserts itself in unexpected ways. Praying for peace for you!