Tuesday, October 31, 2023

soup making and soup prep

After working all day on my writing project research I boiled a whole 5lb chicken for the meat (future casseroles) and soup broth. Then I peeled chopped and boiled potatoes. Thursday DV I am going to make the potatoes and leek soup mix and use the boiled potatoes with potato water + chicken soup broth + chicken meat for an ultra packed soup 🍲 


Martha said...

I have a bunch of leeks I need to use! Such a good idea to prep by boiling a whole chicken. I've never done that, only the bones after we've eaten a baked chicken.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a satisfying day, in which one has made a nourishing pot of soup!

Gloria said...

Hello Elizabeth, Yes, it is certainly soup weather. I will be pulling out my soup and stew recipes this month as well.