Thursday, October 05, 2023

progress through a completed journal

Well. I accomplished something, for me anyway, I filled up an entire notebook on the 1991 book St Silouan the Athonite by St Sophrony.  

So in typical fashion I took these pictures and then started a new notebook! I am currently on page 441. I think it goes to page 503.

It's really good but wow it makes you think.... by which I mean both actual thinking but really more than that. It makes you look at your life, begin to see how what St Silouan (whose writings are the second half of the book) is saying is true....

When I read this sort of thing I feel like what is *actually* happening and why it is happening is finally being said.  It's always a relief, sometimes startling and in the end very encouraging. 

I am really glad I get to read this. It's a great treasure.

Well, other than this, I am tired. My goodness it took me forever just to read ten or so pages. If I am at the library I get more done. But I also wrote about 2 pages single spaced on my writing project so that's good. 

Well. I hope that I get to the library next week.  I am actually going to NYC briefly tomorrow but not to my library. 

Thanks God for His mercy! May the Lord have mercy on us still 🙏 


pleximama said...

Filling a notebook gives such a feeling of accomplishment! God bless your reading and resting!

Gretchen Joanna said...

I can imagine that the book on St Silouan would generate lots of notes! What a treasure your own notebooks will be, an account of the influence of these saints on your life and thought.

Lisa said...

You have nice handwriting, Elizabeth. :)