Thursday, August 31, 2023

busy days of August

Liturgy 3 days in a row. A real blessing.
Monday I stood a lot (Liturgy lunch grocery shopping a friend dropped by then vespers) and by that evening my ankle was hurting. So it goes with ankle sprain recovery. Overall I am making progress! 

I am doing some indepth research (reading things from years past to understand things from various points of view).  It's a lot of work but I pray it bears good fruit.

One of the things I am seeing in my life and research is, especially if one source / person in history quite biased against someone else, then you better research both sides.  It can seem obvious but it's not always so easy to put into practice. It's a lot of work. But for me it's really good work!

But boy can my brain feel full!  I take a lot of notes on my reading so it is easy to review and use later.

I have been enjoying some fast-free treats and food!

And it's fun to use pretty dishes again. That's another sign that I am slowly healing (from my traumatic illness) .... being able to enjoy things. 

It's a lot of trying to balance everything. Including times of rest.

May God have mercy on us and save us 🙏


Granny Marigold said...

I never fail to notice, and admire, your pretty dishes ♥

karen said...

so glad you are on the road to recovery! I am excited that fall is around the corner :)