Thursday, December 29, 2005

Golden Birthdays Happen Only Once

In the States, at least in this part of the States, one has a golden birthday when they turn the number that they were born on. So today is my golden birthday—29 on the 29th. It has been a lovely birthday at that—matins in the morning, a party with church friends (who I love very much) at lunch and relatives (also very loved) are coming over for dessert/cake tonight. My Grandma is coming for my Birthday dinner, which my Mother and Brother are making for me. My brother and I are going to hang out later tonight—a very full, wonderful birthday. God has really blessed me…


Kassianni said...

Happy 29th Elizabeth!
my brother shares your birthday!
Hope it was a good one!

Katrina said...

A "many years" to you on your golden B-day! Now if you I could get a hold of that goose that lays golden eggs as a present. I'll work on that. Blessings upon you and Happy New Year!!

Amy said...

Wow, I just clicked on one of the earliest months of your blog and I manage to get your Golden Birthday post! I remember that day well:) It's hard to believe it was 7 years ago! Another birthday coming up for you soon -- in a new place with a very special person:) I'm so happy for you!

Amy said...

Wow, I just clicked on one of the earliest months of your blog and I manage to get your Golden Birthday post! I remember that day well:) It's hard to believe it was 7 years ago! Another birthday coming up for you soon -- in a new place with a very special person:) I'm so happy for you!