Saturday, January 29, 2022
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Good Conversation & homemaking progress
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
I am going to need to sit down
Monday, January 24, 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
hot tea on a cold day
Trying to Catch My Breath
It is so busy right now. I made muffins with the new citron ginger honey tea mixture I was given... I realize I never showed you that, well here it is, all 2 Kilos of it!
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
I'm Going to Need More Tea... you can see that won't be a problem! :) A friend gave me this very pretty tin with two HUNDRED and forty teabags ! It's lovely Ceylon black tea!
...why I need more tea however, not as fun....
the meeting I asked you all to pray for was rescheduled for Friday and was changed just an HOUR before it was to begin.
It's a bit of a roller coaster to say the least.
Today was the Feast of Theophany and it was beautiful. My pictures are not yet uploaded to google photos so I don't have any to share as of yet...
I got some special Christmas gifts today. I keep thinking how is it that I am so blessed? All I know is that I AM blessed!
May God bless and encourage you no matter what you are facing; you are not alone in it. God is with you.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
prayer request
My sister and brother-in-law have an important meeting tomorrow regarding their foster son who they so greatly want to adopt. I can't say more other than PLEASE PLEASE PRAY.
Thanks so much.
I hope to write more soon. Doing much better over all. Just busy. God bless you all!
Friday, January 14, 2022
Memory Eternal!
Jim Forest died last night I found out this morning. I wrote this earlier:
My Husband came in while I was researching teas from Holland and blurted out "Jim Forest died" to which I immediately with shock said WHAT?😳😭 My Husband has known Jim for DECADES via the Orthodox Peace Fellowship and we had a lovely visit with him and his wife Nancy on our trip to Holland years ago. May Jim's memory be eternal!❤😥😭
Pictures are from the church in Amsterdam where we worshiped with them in 2016...
I was rather lost today after I learned Jim died. Like I was walking around not knowing what to do.
I was in the middle of researching a special order of tea (with my birthday money) from a place I visited in Holland during that 2016 trip, so my mind was already in Holland when I heard the news...
May the Lord remember Jim in His Kingdom and comfort his newly made widow Nancy...
Jim was such a kind warm humble man; it meant a lot to meet him and to pray for him (he had a lot of health ups and downs in the last year, though I had no idea of his decline and passing last night until this morning).
Memory eternal! Memory Eternal! Memory Eternal!
Thursday, January 13, 2022
a little bit.....
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
A Little Further
Fast Free Wednesday!
We took a normal nearly 2 mile walk today. Yes, we are improving. Thank God.
My Husband and I watched Home Alone as he had never seen it. We laughed a lot over it. Funny to watch it at age 45 instead of more like about 14 years old. My goodness. I can remember being 20 but 14 is a long time ago now. The movie came out in 1990. Hard to imagine.
I made chicken broth today. Between that and the chicken soup we are set I would think for at least a year.
A busy day.
God be with us and save us.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Just a few... from Christmas day and I think Saturday (?)... we are slowly recovering from The Virus which for us thankfully was only a bad cold. Still some congestion and fatigue.
Thursday, January 06, 2022
Christmas Eve 2022 ~ Christmas At Home

Wednesday, January 05, 2022
Well, we are still here. :). My Husband is improving, his cough especially is getting better but he still has a bit to go. I don't know about me. I've had some sore/swollen throat and sinus headache but I can get either for other reasons and, since the doctor said not to test me when my Husband was tested (he had 2 positives) as I was not showing symptoms, we did not do that until today and it was.... negative.
But is it really? Sigh. Or is it and I should still be careful in case my Husband can still give it to me (it's a miracle if I don't have it, we were in the rented SUV for HOURS over two days, one of those he was sick already).
Anyway, I am definetely drinking lots of tea, resting a lot (I have been a bit tired), taking extra vitimins and lots of blessed monastic honey!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. At least 5 familes from our church have at least one person with C-viD so there will be a lot of us praying together from our homes, watching the service online etc. Even our Christmas church party was postponed! Such strange times we are in.
Thanking God that so far we are not that sick.
I am thanking God for every good thing....
Monday, January 03, 2022
It feel so good to be back
...blogging again... it's been so long... (written Jan 2nd)
Saturday, January 01, 2022
It just began to rain as I sat down to type
...and I did not get to type these words after the title until I was interrupted to go finish putting things away...
and away we have been, we rented a SUV and drove to Michigan and then Ohio to see both of our families. My Husband woke in the hotel this morning feeling like he got a cold from swimming in the hotel the night before, the water, he told me, was a bit chilly. So I drew him a hot bath tonight, and am praying that this is short lived (we can always do checks for the dreaded virus we already have at home tests and other options nearby). And I made him many cups of tea both this morning and tonight, once we got home...
Our Christmas is this Friday we were hoping to go for Thursday Christmas Eve and Friday. Meanwhile, I will sleep on couch to try to avoid contagion.
I am feeling quite weary tonight and perhaps not the best company, other than it can be nice to share in one's troubles when one's friend is weary too.
It was strange returning to New Jersey where the o-variant is blooming exponentially and to return to where things are suddenly much worse than else where is a bit surreal.
It is no wonder we are weary.
A dear friend is losing her job, everyone on her level is going. There is just so much struggle.
There is much good of course, we had a good drive today, we listened to Lewis' Dawn Treader and on the way there we finished listening to the Lord of the Rings which was so striking in it's theme of hope and depair, I had not realized this so much as now. It bears remembering.
Well, we are staying home from church tomorrow, new family rule really: if one is not well, with the pandemic going on, we simply stay home and make sure we don't spread whatever it is.
I ordered a beautiful teapot, sugar, creamer and teacup: vintage English...will show you once I get it, it is not shipped yet and we sent it to a friend's place that is safer than our areas in term of package theft... The teapot coming is like me hoping for Spring again, for, metaphorically, when we can visit one another again, when I can have tea.
I do hope that all will be well with us and that my Husband only has a cold. Don't worry, I assure you we will be VERY careful and we have a very good doctor and medical things quick at hand.
The good news is that my Husband already has Monday off and so with staying home tomorrow, we can have two very solid days of rest which is part of what is sorely needed right now.
I am still having some back pain issues so I can't always sit to type, as I don't have an ergonomic writing station as of yet. Something I hope to work on in later January if possible.
Bless you all. It's good to be able to write here again. May God save us and have mercy on us!