Tuesday, August 07, 2007


August 5 was my dad's 55th birthday.

August 6 was the 20 year anniversary of my friend Timothy's falling asleep in the Lord. We were 10 - i had a panahieda for him, gave roses, white orchids and a soft white mum in a heavy cut glass to the Theotokos and sweet bread for the panahedia itself. This was a very important happening - something i had been waiting for i think for 20 years. it is such a blessing to be able to pray for the dead. i had prayed for Tim every night for months (he had leukemia) and i was a little protestant 10 year old and all a sudden he was gone, and i did not know i could keep praying for him. the loss was intense. i had and still do love him very much.

i did not invite many people to this (so if you go to my church and are reading this, do not be offended). some things are so important to me, that i do not talk much about it. i am thanking God for His grace. He has comforted me so much this year as the 20 year anniversary came - realizing that Tim feel asleep on the new calendar Feast of the Transfiguration, having the panaheida, giving the bread to some of my closest friends and doing the flowers were all very important. it is like God gave me some answers and comfort, even though i had to wait 20 years.

the Feast of Transfiguration is also my feast - i was christmated three years ago tomorrow on August 8th. a very kind man gave me the icon of this feast for my chrismation.

thank God for His grace and that the death of His saints is precious in His sight.


Mimi said...

May Tim's Memory be Eternal. And, what a blessing that he fell asleep on a Feast Day.

Hugs to you, and Happy Birthday to your dad as well.

elizabeth said...

thank you very much Mimi!

yes, i did not realize how blessed all this was...

God is merciful, in abundance...