Tuesday, February 07, 2023

considering what we know

God is truly carrying 🙏 us through this unexpected journey!!

Today NYC I had excellent care (normal doctor + cab drivers + just enjoying NYC!)

I am *finally* sleeping consistently 😴 because of doctor approved (fairly strong) sleep med. It's the only one that actually worked for me!

Cutie 💓 pie 🐕 little NYC dog with great style 👌 😎 💖💝💘💃


Next up...

Thanks 💕 😊 be to God...I found a CVS that had these lotion/hand soap 🧼 travel dispensers.  My thumb actually split open on top (my doctor when I showed her was rather shocked by how dry my hands were and immediately promised Us-based HSA medical necessity letter for buying needed Aveeno lotion and handsoap). 👍👌🫠

I am happy cozy at home 🏡 ☺️ after being in NYC. MY eyes still don't have normal night vision yet so got home just before totally dark! ☺️👍

Snack at a diner in NYC

I have a cute little travel sized blanket (easy to throw in the wash after use too!) that I used today again!

I still get a little manic especially as the day wears on but I am much better than I was! Husband, doctor and others all agree!

I can't yet easily respond to blog comments (etc) but I am reading and encouraged by each one! ☺️💗

I am beyond relieved to be getting consistent sleep 😴 💤 

Now I am stabilizing in both body and mind. 

Thanks God 💕 and thank you for your prayers 🙏❤️

Sunday, February 05, 2023

life changing days

Today is my spiritual father and Matushka last Sunday before they move out of State  🙏 

10 years we have had their protection and ministry blessing us.

DV I will be there... my Husband has duties at our other church.... it will be a bittersweet day...

I have been grieving but also hoping 🙏 in God for what/who is next 🙏 

I finally am sleeping at night thx to a sleep med. 

I think I had a question about bone density loss/health.

Every person is different. Some are going to need a good endocrinologist and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Taking a calcium citrate and Vit D is a MUST. Figure out calcium rich foods. And *move your body* take a daily walk. I have regained significantly by consistent walking. If you do strength training be careful perhaps consult a professional so you don't injure yourself.  Key is to not give up about it.... be proactive!

Ok. Please pray for us 🙏 

May God guide us save us and have mercy 🙏❤️

Thursday, February 02, 2023

still here

Wow has it been hard. 

I just got approved for the one sleep med that helps to be taken nightly. This past night I only got 1.5 hours sleep. If my insomnia decreases I can actually stabilize mentally and physically. 

Asking prayers for just that. 

It's been very hard on my Husband and myself. 

I will be back here as I am able 💙🙏💙🕯💙

I went to NYC Tuesday. I went to church this morning. The baptism weekend was wonderful. 💙🕯💙🙏🩵🕯🩵