Monday, November 01, 2021

Still Here; a beautiful dinner from last week


Last Thursday I made chicken baked in cream, rice, green salad, fruit salad and we had fresh baked chocolate chip cookies (from grocery delivery) with ice cream for dessert.  It was really beautiful.  We had Larissa's closest friend over and she really liked it.

Friday-yesterday night I had a lot of bad sleeps and that's been hard. I am keeping up on my instagram account so if I am not here, I could be there at any rate. 

Tomorrow I go to NYC.  I hope to do some shopping.  Not sure what else.  I hope to go to NYC again on Thursday to the MET (which I guess is really not written that way but The Met but I can't think of it other than THE MET like the front sign says and so it is).  

I am slowly working on my writing project.  It's going to take a long time to finish.  But still, I plod on. 

May God have mercy on us and save us!

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