Friday, July 07, 2023

garden fruits

We are watering a neighbours plants and got some produce 😊

I don't have tons to say. 

I have been working on my writing project. It's not easy. 

I am still adjusting to a lot of changes. 

Next week I hope to be in NYC. 

We have family visiting in later July and early August so if I don't write please know that I am OK.

My Husband got a new ceiling fan in the office with bright light. Great for his office as he still works from home a lot.

I don't love bright lights but I am glad he has them.

I had a great talk with my cousin H and was touched to realize how much she cares and was worried about me when I lost my memory. 

I am trying to practice thankfulness. 

There is always so much to be thankful for and to learn  🙏 


Granny Marigold said...

It will be nice to see your family and spend time together. About bright lights...I find most are harsh. My daughter got me an Ott-Light and although it helps me when I read I find it very bright.

Gloria said...

Hello Elizabeth, I can only imagine how hard it must be to get back into the groove of normal everyday life. How wonderful to be able to look forward to family visiting soon. We are so enjoying having our daughter here with us. Our son's wedding is now just one week away! Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for me and send a message when you have so many other things to deal with right now. May God continue to richly bless you in all ways.

karen said...

I practice gratitude and it helps me to be grounded. I hope you have fun with your family visitors, whenever we have company I am swamped with all the busy!