Saturday, April 29, 2023

perfect rainy day dinner

I had chicken and broccoli casserole in the freezer.... from when I made a lot of freezer meals in preparation for my foot surgery last October. 

It was the perfect thing for tonight, on a wet cold day. 

I took a short walk today.  It will take time to build up to where I was last summer. 

I am hoping for better...

Our new priest comes in early June. I am excited to meet him and his family. 

One of my tea-loving friends is in Scotland right now. So neat.  I dream of traveling again....

This is a gorgeous church in Bucharest Romania 🇷🇴..... From our 2019 trip...

It was such a gift! 

I did a bit more reading today, that was good! Trying to keep up with dishes that's ongoing!

I am really grateful for my Husband. I know that I am writing bits about my health crisis that I had earlier this year. It is hard to express how much my Husband did for me.  For over a week (or 2? Or more?) I was not eating much at all. For at least part of this I would not have eaten at all if it was not for him. I can remember being in some sort of haze, yellow maybe, where I would suddenly be given a glass of water and a voice would tell me to drink it. That was my Husband valiantly trying to keep me alive.  

I remember feeling, when I was better, like I had been resurrected from the dead! Not that I was near death but that losing your memory is like death because you don't know who you are, your past or your family and friends. God really saved me. 

I hope to keep rebuilding my life. 

I had a happy dream that on St Nicholas day I was healed/fully healed of my rash. I am trying to not worry about it but am very aware of it. 

Thankful that things are not so bad for me now. 

May God have mercy on us 🙏... there are so many suffering people in the world.... we all have it ... may God help us 🙏 ❤️


Granny Marigold said...

That church in Romania is so beautiful. How fortunate you were to actually go there.
Yes, keeping up with dishes is a never ending task. Have a blessed Sunday.

Becki said...

That Romanian church is beautiful - inside and out.