Monday, September 27, 2021

I keep meaning to write...


...more about Larissa.  She has no family left now.  No one at all.  I was the only one, other than our priest, who went to her Mother's funeral.  She had one other person in her life who is missing her termendously.  ... 

Her father was a priest named Fr Nicholas.  He got cancer decades ago now and died of it.  Larissa went all the way to Boston with him for treatment; some monks there helped them a lot.  Her Mother, Mat Tatiana lived a long life and she is how I met Larissa when I was a new Bride and needed something to do.  So my priest told me to visit Larissa's Mom in nursing home.  And so the years went, and now Larissa is gone too.  

I want to write more but I know I need to go to bed now.

Life has a lot of grief and loss in it.  

For now, good night dear ones, God bless and keep you in His care.

1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

Life does indeed have lots of sadness and grief. I'm sure you'll miss your friend and will think of her often. Blessings, GM