Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday, Memorial Day

We got an unexpected 'bonus' in our grocery delivery of this past Saturday.
Some Applegate natural hotdogs were included.
So I fried up three of them with slices of onion and minced fresh garlic,
starting with the onions, then the sliced meat and then the garlic, as I 
have learned that garlic can burn quickly!
I tend to fry things in coconut oil.
It made for a good meal!
We are having a nice and quiet day today.
I slept in - needed it as I did not sleep as well on Saturday night.
Mr. Husband is working on our taxes,
as they did not get done yet because of getting the flu.
This morning was spent cleaning and then making our lunch,
with enough for dinner tonight.
This afternoon I cleaned up again, read a page of CS Lewis' letters to A.G.
and have been doing some needed online research.
I am hoping to make the Munchkin a little travel bag,
as he will be traveling this summer.
I already have a few things to put inside
and am hoping that some needed pictures show up soon,
so I can make another part of this gift.
So I hope to do this later this week,
as well as tackle the newly accrued laundry, paperwork 
and such.  
I am also hosting a lunch party/tea welcome-to-a-new-Small-Lady-Munchkin
who dear friends of ours are adopting.
I am pretty much thinking about this daily and what I will make,
when I will make it, etc. 
I love planning meals for special events!
Our local pool is open and I am hoping they will have adult swim in 
the morning soon.
Somehow I need to combine a schedule that includes rest with exercise,
finish my godson's quilt, do Sunday School planning for next year,
and work on house-projects.
It suddenly is summer weather and I am so glad.
There is something about summer that invites new activities and 
dreaming of bring some projects to fruition and completion....

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