Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We made it!

We went to presanctified!
I was so glad ~ it is one of my favourite services!

While we were there it started storming
with thunder, lightening and hard rain.
I was praying for my Cleo Cat
as it can scare her a bit...

One of my tulip photos.
So far tulips are my favourite to photograph at home...
I am so thankful for this liturgy!
I am almost done reading the Saint Luke book...
it's been a real blessing to me...
reading about the end of his life,
how he was blind and served at the Altar and
had all the prayers memorized
and the healing miracles he did
and how greatly he loved everyone,
it is so beautiful and encouraging.
God is magnified in His Saints
and His love is poured out through them! 

1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Yea! :) We didn't make it but are hopefully, God willing, to make it tomorrow. Evenings are really hard for me right now, so we have been avoiding evening services.