Friday, March 02, 2012

Prayers and Request For Noah

Kate's latest FB update has her
quite concerned for Noah
as he is not waking up much at present.
She asks esp. for prayers for
protection for him.

Here's an earlier request from Kate that
she put on FB and her blog:

From Kate's blog (Noah's Mom):

Longest shot ever

by Kate

I need a huge favor. Seriously, a HUGE favor - miracle level stuff. :-) We've been praying for a way to get an iPad2 for Noah so he can do Facetime with his best friend (now lives in England) and with other mito kids. He feels very isolated and like no one else is like him.

We sometimes shop at No More Rack, and they are having a contest - make a video and see how many UNIQUE views you can get. It's not a matter of getting the most views to win - ANYONE who gets 60,000 unique views gets an iPad2. We know it is a seriously long shot, but the children made a cute, ultra-cheesy video for the contest. You can see it here:

I know that people don't usually like to get onboard with contests like this, but if we can get this iPad 2 for Noah, we'll donate his iPad to one of our Noah's Hands of Hope children. Just sharing this link with, well, 60,000 people will make a huge difference for 2 children. WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL MARCH 6 - like I said, it would just about take a miracle, but FB, twitter, email, and blogs can make things really take off.

Would you watch and would you share? It's only unique views, and I don't really know how youtube counts those - but sitting and refreshing won't help. Watching at home and at work might count as 2 views . . . I don't know. Best way to rack up the count is to SHARE. (And seriously - it is a cute video!)



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