Tuesday, May 08, 2007

age and needing God's mercy

i was a volunteer this morning and was asked:

1. are you a student volunteer (no i am a real librarian!)
2. upon writing a list - are you writing your Christmas list? (no, i am writing a list of what i want for my apartment, a list i write when ever i am bored)


sigh. clearly i have much work to do. i should not mind so much to be assumed to be young, but i still do. and being asked about what i am writing, was strange.

lots to learn in how to love - how to be patient, generous, long-suffering, to live in humility.

well. that's how it is for now.

i still do not know about job future; my job is done this thursday.

i am relieved that God is full of long-suffering and mercy; i need both...

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