Thursday, October 20, 2022

Reading 📚 and Writing ✒️

Some light literature!

I also worked on my writing project. That was fun!  I was doing some editing....

I made part of dinner and was up earlier but then my foot was a bit unhappy 🙁 so had to return to the couch. It is hard to know what the right balance is in my convalescence. Overall it is going well. 

I am one week into it now. 

Perhaps I am impatient. One week out of 4 or 6 weeks recovery is at most only 1/4th.

Well. Thank God. I at least am able to work on my writing project. I have no sense of how it is especially in parts but I just have to keep going with it. 

I wish I could hear how things are for those who read this.  It is easy to get stuck in one's own situation when healing on sickbed and I don't want that at all! 

I am thinking of many and of the great suffering that so many are enduring. 

May God have mercy on us. 🙏❤️🕯


Granny Marigold said...

One down three to go. It's nice to know you're on the mend and being careful not to overdo.

Lisa Richards said...

What are you writing about? My visits are sporadic, so I may have missed a post where you told us about it. I'm going through some depression still (as mentioned on my blog), but thinking I may need to find some volunteering opportunities to get out of my head and help others. Don't overdo, girl! Enjoy this excuse to read and write! :) Hugs and prayers!

Gloria said...

Hell Elizabeth, it sounds like things are progressing. Yes, it's only been a week, so be kind to yourself. Continuing prayers for quick healing.