
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Revised Psalter Schedule to Pray for Resa

Okay, Revised Schedule with TeresaAngelina and Elizabeth at the Garden Window:
Elizabeth (me) Kathismas 1, 7, 13, 19 A
Pres. Kathy Kathismas 2, 8, 14, 19 B
Margaret Kathismas 3, 9, 15, 19 C
MamaJuliana Kathismas 4, 10, 16, 20 A
Elizabeth at the Garden Window Kathismas 5, 11, 17, 20 B
TeresaAngelina Kathismas 6, 12, 18 20 C
Each Kathisma has 3 sections (I have called these A, B and C).
To do it evenly with 6 I have given the last two Kathismas
in three sections.
Any questions,
please let me know.
I will not be adding anyone else in blog post,
so if you want to join,
just pick one of our names and do that set with the person listed!
Feel free to comment if you join.
any and all prayer is great
and if you cannot join in this particular prayers,
be at peace.
May the Lord bless us as we seek to pray for Resa.
Memory Eternal!
May the Lord remember the handmaiden of God Resa
in His kingdom
where there is repose, no more illness or weeping.
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy


  1. Sounds good! I will do the third stasis of kathisma 20...I get it. Thanks for doing the work of dividing these for us!

  2. I'd like to jump in and pray, too. I'll pray alongside of mamajuliana.

  3. Started mine on Tuesday night UK- GMT.

    Memory Eternal to Resa

  4. Ah, Elizabeth, you are forarder than me, as Mrs Bennet would say (not that that is hard!)
