
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Christmas Time (old calendar)

This morning was Christmas.

This was a bit of a strange Christmas for me in ways.

With Resa's death (a friend of mine is a friend of hers)

and some other friend's hardships recently

my heart felt a bit heavier than some years.

Yet, Christ came in harsh circumstances

a stable for animals

dirty, smelly, unkempt.

And so I decorated my house a little bit

(see picture above).

And I did my first Christmas Eve dinner.


borscht, perogies, salad and bread.

Two friends came over to eat it with me.

I used my new candles that my Mom gave me for Christmas,

they are made of beeswax and are

almost as good as church candles,

though nothing can really compare to those!

This picture is one from the Christmas Meal we had at home
on December 25th.
I am back online with my own computer,
so I can post pictures again.
Please pray for my two friends this week
(nameless for privacy)
who have sadness this week.
I found out that my French class
(finally registered)
is going to be Monday - Friday
9 to 12.
With the tons of studying that will accompany this,
I realized I cannot have a part time job.
I will have enough savings after to not make this a
all - or - nothing decision.
I start in a week.
Wow. It is going to be intense...
May God help us in all we need to do.


  1. Merry Christmas--your home is looking really cozy. It's nice to see the Christmas decorations.

    I have struggled a bit with the contrast of joy and sadness this Christmas too. But Christ is our Hope and our Salvation, and He is born!

  2. The house looks beautiful! I wish you all the best with your classes.

  3. Christ Is Born!

    Joyeux Noel! (I have no idea if I spelled it correctly. Supposed to be "Merry Christmas" in French.)

  4. Christ is Born ~ Glorify Him!

    I'm also on the Traditional calendar. . .and I'm wishing much joy and peace on the Feast of the Holy Nativity. Glory to God in the highest!

    Also, friend Elizabeth, I'm wishing you good strength for your studies in French. Ask Saint John of Kronstadt for intersessions: he is so helpful for these things.

  5. Dear Elizabeth,
    Christ is born! Happy New Year, and hello. I've been reading your blog for some time (found through Mimi's) and thought I shouldn't lurk anymore but say hello properly. Best wishes for your French class - I'm refreshing my ancient school French this year and have found brilliant for regular practice and self-testing, as well as having clear and amusing explanations of aspects of grammar. An Orthodox friend in France sent me this New Year's wish, which I pass on to you:
    Que ta nouvelle année soit en Christ et gaieté,
    Qu’elle te comble de bonheur et de prospérité,
    Que tous les vœux formulés deviennent réalité !


  6. Christ is born! Glorify Him!

    Everything looks so lovely. Praying for your friends.

  7. thank you everyone for your comments -

    nice to meet you Anna!

    thanks everyone for your prayers!

  8. Christ is born
    glorify Him.

  9. Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
    Lovely photos, as usual.
    From my French daily Scripture verse calendar: "Car un homme (ou une femme)ne peut pas triompher par sa propre force" Is. 2.9
    The Lord will be your strength and help. Love to you.

  10. A Blessed Christmas season to you !

    "Bonne Chance" with the French studies!

  11. Merry Christmas to you :)

    I'm sorry that those around you are going through difficult times. I am sure they are blessed to have you as a friend. I hope your French class goes well.

  12. thanks everyone for your continued comments and love! they are warmly felt by me! thank you!
