
Monday, April 01, 2019

Cookies for Pascha and for Lent! And books read...

I made vegan cookies (right above, picture of cookies on a plate)
Cookies for Pascha.
Two more DE Stevenson books.  I find I often read more when
I am worried.  Working on that.
Doing cold water compresses seems to be helping my eye be less sore.
Will have a second opinion but need the results of the 4 tests I will have in May.
May God bless, save and have mercy on us!
ps: my goddaughter became a big sister today, they are in TX; we are so happy for them.
One day I hope to finish her quilt... 


  1. Hi, Elizabeth! So lovely to catch up with you again... And how wonderful this library you go to now. I could live there. ;) Look at all those cookies... YUM! Thinking about your... and praying for your eyes and sight, my friend ((HUGS))

  2. Hmmm... it sounds as though your eye problems are more complex than I realized. I hope that a satisfactory solution can be found, and that you'll not be troubled by recurring or continuing problems.

    What I can see, even from here, is that those cookies look delicious!

  3. How many cookies?! How many people will you be feeding I wonder? They look very tasty.

  4. Love the pictures of the stairwell. It makes me curious what/where it is. Where does it come from and where does it lead? And are those actual tapestries hanging there? Beautiful.

  5. Your cookies look quite delicious! I always love to see your baking. Just wanted to say I've been praying for you, and will continue. All strength and peace in Christ.

  6. Those cookies are not helping my present fast...or maybe they are as I resist the flesh. But my mouth still waters!|
    Two other D.E.Stevenson books I have not read, I do enjoy her books. I have been reading quite a bit lately too, but I do not think I am worried...

  7. I've been kind of retreating into reading books since having a houseful of guests. My room is a sanctuary. I'm trying to remember that I need to spend more time visiting with the Lord than trying to avoid the stressful atmosphere that comes from people with mental health challenges. Trying my best to be positive and give my son the moral support he needs. But reading can also put our minds in a more peaceful state, so I'm certainly not against it! Praying for your eyes!

  8. You made cookies for Easter and I'm starting to make Paska, just like my mom and her mom made every year except I use my breadmaker to do all the mixing and the first rising.

  9. Elizabeth, those cookies look so delicious! You made a lot of them! :-)

    I had to smile at seeing the "library" book with the stamped date. I remember those days!
