
Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday and a blur of days

I made beef stroganoff. 
I think this is one of my most favourite pictures of this week.
The week has been good, busy and trying to not have it too busy
but it is very full. 

Lesson: if you forget and add the sour cream at the beginning of the cooking,
just add more at the end (what I did not do until had this again 2 days later)
and it will taste more like it should... 

These muffins are from an older Joy of Cooking recipe and
my local friend brought them to tea and I still have not had time
to make it myself, but hope to tomorrow...

I had a lovely lunch with this friend from our local church...
and a good walk too!

Cleo loving on my beloved red satchel. 
She's having some litter box issues.
I have researched it and am trying some new ideas
next week, once everything I ordered comes.

I had a very beautiful tea, that I want to share more about later,
with another local friend this week,
we had not had tea in months and it was so nice to catch up.

We are studying an incredible book at my local church:
by Abbot Sergius Bowyer

My quilting friend and I tried the lovely
White Truffle (translated from Dutch) tea.
It's lovely, very rich, fragrant... 

 I got out every jam and dessert topping I have in the fridge for the lunch!
As you can see, I have a fridge full of goodies, just waiting for friends to come
and share them with! 

We had crepes for lunch on Thursday...

Did I mention that we had a mishap 2 weeks ago with a grocery delivery?
they are being much more careful with the kombucha bottles now...

Picture from last night's dinner of left overs.
Many of the Akathists we have in English are his work
and we owe a great deal to him in this way!
I've managed a walk Mon-Thursday.
Will keep trying...
Don't worry if I don't always blog like I used to,
it's just that I am trying to balance a lot of things and still
have the rest and quiet I need...
Thanks everyone for your encouragement on Monday and your prayers!
May God save and protect us!
Edited to add:

Forgot to mention that thanks to Anna I have been
listening to some very lovely piano music that has brightened up this week.


  1. Lovely table! So much hygge!

  2. I agree with Pom Pom, it looks so cozy at your place!

    I love that book by Fr. Sergius and keep trying to share about it myself. He lectured last Lent at a retreat in San Francisco and that prompted me to buy a few copies - but later on, because he ran out that day!

    I'm glad you're pacing yourself - only one thing is needful :-)

  3. Praying for you all, and that Cleo's litter box issues will be resolved.

  4. What pretty pictures of your hospitality. I'm not a big tea drinker, but your pictures of tea remind me I have some wonderful Tiger Eye tea in the cupboard. I think I will go and brew me a cup! :)
