
Saturday, June 20, 2015

{My Goddaughter's Quilt} ~ Sewing the first rows

I have a quilting class I go to now,
twice a week for two morning hours.
Apparently, quilting guilds lead to many good things.

Two rows to be sewn into two sections.

Two sections, one of 5 squares, one of 6,
so that it is not so long when I am sewing the two
rows together.
It will be 5 rows of 5 squares
5 rows of 6 squares
Three times to make 
15 rows of 11 squares total.
When the 6 sections of 5 rows each are done,
then they will be sewn into two sections,
the top section first sewn to the middle,
then the bottom to the middle 
and done again for the other side, 
remembering that there are three sections of 5 rows of 5 blocks/squares
and three sections of 5 rows of 6 blocks/squares.
Then the two sections of 11 rows of 5 blocks
and 11 rows of 6 blocks
will be sewn together to make

 I labeled what row is the inside row so that
I can easily remember what side to join the next row etc

This is the first two rows, 
in the back is the one of 5 blocks,
the one in front is 6 blocks.
You may see that the block nearest to you in this picture,
the one with the white print with butterflies and red block,
is not centered properly.
I has been fixed but that will be for another blog post!
I was so excited to do the first ever sewing of two rows
into the two sections to make this quilt top
for my darling goddaughter!