
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

{My time in Ottawa} ~ Brunch with Sister-Friend's Family

I have known my sister-friend and her husband since my 
days at TWU; we met in 1998 and it is the only time that
I met someone and had an immediate sense of 
'I want to know this person'...
years later she is my wedding sponsor and I her youngest son's
I feel that our journeys towards/within salvation are deeply linked.
Seeing the icons in the picture above is always meaningful to me...
I remember those first icons they had...
and there are are a few that I have given them, as the years went by...

We had a fast-friendly brunch and
the best breakfast dishes were put out!

When I lived in Ottawa I spent many a meal with them,
it's still strange that we are not living in the same town;
it's crazy that it's 2.5 years already since I did live in the same town!

With three boys, two parents and me, 
it was a lively meal.

I had some time talking with just my sister-friend
and then later a bit of time also with my 3+ year old godson.

Speaking of my godson, that hungry Caterpillar is his creation,
I must point out as the proud godmother!
There is just never enough time for everything we wish to do in one day...
I would of loved for more time with them....
It all went so quickly....


  1. A meal with friends is always the best!!!

  2. Yes, there is never time to do everything! He did a nice job on the caterpillar!

  3. That caterpillar is so cute!!!
