
Friday, September 12, 2014

Father John a Monk: letters

Years ago I was told that it is 
this Abbot Ioann
who is Fr. John the Monk
who wrote the letters in the beloved book,
that I have often written of here.
When I was told, I was given this picture...
I recently became aware of the photo archives of
and happily found this photo...
of which I have one in my copy of his letters,
plus one framed in my old bedroom at my parents house...
He has such a peaceful and kind face.
I am so glad for this photo and his letters.
If you have not read them,
you are in for a treat


  1. Thanks for the recommendation of this book. I found a used copy on for .01 and have found it to be an immense blessing.

  2. You are very welcome. It is a very wonderful book, glad you found one so affordable! God is greatly merciful in providing such books to us!
