I made a simple cinnamon coffee cake
to go with the rest of our Cheese Pascha on Bright Friday!
From my beloved Dutch Michigan cookbook,
I made this cake:
No lumps, just fine sifted flour!
I think next time I will bake it for slightly less time.
It was just a bit too 'done' around the bottom edges,
losing a little bit of the soft springy nature of this
coffee cake!
It was a prefect match for the cheese pascha!
So nice to bake with milk, eggs and butter again!
I sifted the flour by putting it in
my large mesh sifter and 'pushing' the flour down
by use of a cup rolling over the flour.
No lumps, just fine sifted flour!
I think next time I will bake it for slightly less time.
losing a little bit of the soft springy nature of this
coffee cake!
Worked great with our left over
Cheese Pascha that our friend
so graciously gave us!
*It was a prefect match for the cheese pascha!