Just look at that yellow colour...
Winter sure can be a bit of a slog,
can it not?
Lots of slush on the sidewalks here
snow melting into puddles upon puddles
all to be avoided
when walking to church.
I am helping a friend with her paper
for school and am thrilled to be
helping her
in her very significant endeavour.
Um, I can feel Lent is coming;
I love Lent for it's focus
for being in church more
for standing in church with my spiritual father
praying the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
and going to the presanctified liturgies on Fridays.
Lent is also a time of great temptation
and for me often a time of great personal
loss or pain.
So as much as I long for lent,
being with my church family more,
focusing my life,
giving what Fr. Thomas Hopko calls
our tithe to the church,
I think I need to listen/read that podcast again
(on the tithe of the year).
Noah continues to struggle.
So many need our prayers...
May God be our help and protection.
I can't believe next week is the Publican and the Pharisee. One thing about Lent is that to me it always seems to fly. So next thing we know it will be Pascha and spring.