
Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year

Today after liturgy

I had my Oma's memorial service.

This was very good;

I wish already for another one for her...

My friends and I went out to eat afterwards in

memory of her

since there exceptionally was not a church meal

after liturgy today.

Grief is no easy thing but it was a relief

to have these prayers in the church for her.

As much as I had wished to have my house

clean for New Years

I was too sick to manage getting the whole house


I am slowly getting better from the bad

chest cold I have been having

and was able to go to my friend's New Years Eve

Dinner party which was really nice.

I am hoping to get my house cleaned tomorrow

and that I finally will be well enough to do so.

I love my strand of white lights

that a dear friend gave me.

I hope to host the Holy Supper

again this Christmas Eve

which is this Friday.


I have not heard yet about the job proposal that

I submitted and hope to hear tomorrow.


The whole job searching thing I find

very difficult.


It was so good to have the service for my Oma today.

I really miss her but felt more sure

of being near her in Christ

during the prayers for her at church

and this is indeed a deep blessing.


  1. Our priest served a memorial service for my mother and also went to the gravesite and did the Trisagion Prayers. It is such a comfort. Thinking of you and wishing you a peaceful and joyous New Year.

  2. I know what you mean about the bad chest cold and cleaning. I hoped to do so much Saturday, and just couldn't do anything. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good strength for the last few days of the fast.

  3. A blessing, indeed! I am glad you felt some closeness and peace.

    I hope your chest cold goes away, some infused ginger should help move it around, possibly evict it, but horehound infused is wonderful for anything to do with chest and coughing. I hope you have had time enough for resting.

    Do remember to pray to St. Xenia for your job struggles, she will hear you, she always does. We will pray for you, as well. Godspeed.
