
Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Quiet Sunday Evening

At Church we are still in the glow of Christmas...
I will probably take down my decorations towards the end of this week.

Theophany is next week Tuesday;

I will miss the liturgy - will be in class for my second day.

But we will have Great Compline and the Blessing of Waters

Theophany Eve.

I am so delighted to not be missing it all.

Thought that candles tonight needed to be lit.

A quiet evening.

Adjusting to life without others


Home I always get lots of people time...

now I get lots of Cleo the Cat time!

Thank God for my church family

so I am not as alone.

Does anyone ever do this?
I will lid my frying eggs
forget about them
and then smell them
oh no!
rush over and see once again
a huge egg bubble on one side....
Tasted good though,
with a small dash of ketchup.
Very Canadian to have eggs
or macaroni and cheese with ketchup.
I am Canadian American with Dutch heritage.
I need to make a soup for the week.
May God bless our evening.


  1. Blessings and know that you are in our thoughts, Elizabeth..

  2. You reminded me I had left my soup on the stove a long, long time and I managed to rescue it just in time. Ketchup may rescue eggs but it does nothing for carrot and ginger soup!

  3. I have to take my Christmas decorations off too!
