
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Counting the Good Things

I made my first of many phone calls

about my upcoming move.

And my phone provider (I was on hold longish time)

gave me free minutes for my cell

for the needs of moving

and took care of some other matters.

It warmed my heart,

receiving such great customer service.


I have been thinking of switching to vonage

but am still unsure.

My friends use them, lots of good services.

But I am uncomfortable with

the long distance service call centre.

They have a script, do not deviate from it,

always make me feel rushed to join them

(I was on the phone more than one hour with them)

and still am not convinced.

Even though they would save me money

the customer service experiences I have had

are all poor, rushed and make me feel like a meaningless number.

They don't know Canada at all.

They wanted me to use the US .com website instead of .ca

they do not know that Ottawa is the Capital of Canada

nor do they even pretend to care.


It is not that I think that my current phone provider cares

per say

but the customer service is from somewhere in Canada,

it feels like coming home

after talking with someone from Vonage in Singapore

{I have nothing against Singapore}

but somehow the service gets mistranslated and leaves me

feeling bad for wanting a Canadian

but also really wanting service that is familiar and

that culturally translates kindness and patience to me.

Sorry for the complaint,

goodness this post was to be about

the Good Things,

like increased cell phone minutes

and the customer service person being refreshing,

laughing at my humor

and giving me a break on my cell phone bill.


moving right along;

another good thing today is while I was on hold with vonage

and my current phone provider,

I read new blogs that are on RW's blog list.



The photographs captured on these blogs

refresh the soul.

Third thing,
my friends are loving me,
being flexible,
and patient.
And, speaking of Asia,
I went to a great restaurant
and had Korean Bibimbap -
have you had this?
It comes in what is called a "stone bowl" that is so hot
that it will
burn your skin and scar it if touched.
Rice, thinly sliced veggies, beef and a fried egg
with the yolk still runny.
Sorry for mentioning non-fasting food,
but I'm on the old calendar and was with church friends
and our fast has not yet started.
Right now I am just grateful for eating good food,
as my kitchen is being dismantled...
so there is my count of some very good things,
not to mention the relief of not moving too far from where I am now.
I can't tell you
it is to stay in the neighbourhood that I know and love.
God is so merciful to me.


  1. So, glad for your good news.
    Glad you are finding some inspiration on the reading list. I really take delight in some of the blogs I have stumbled upon.

  2. Yes, I have added 5 or 6 more of them to my reader.... I was really taken by the "All buttoned up" blog esp. with the mix of art and family, and her narrative voice...

  3. It sounds like everything is moving along quickly. I am happy for that! Have a great week!

  4. I like your neighbourhood. I would be in autumn heaven with all those big yellow trees.

  5. Prayers for a smooth and painless house-move and utility-move.....

  6. Thanks... everyone!

    I admit that the yellow trees are not everywhere, I took these photoshoots a while back of two places...

    but they are still around and on my way to things; a lot of it is just looking for it and being aware.

    thank you all for your comments and love and prayers!!
