
Monday, December 15, 2008

Working Women

I am aware that my life, in a lot of respects, is not only very good but so far is manageable. Ignoring the insomnia, and other such things, really I cannot complain.

Work has been challenging as of late - I have too much on my plate and am not keeping up with some important things because of more pressing urgent things. I need help and prayer for this.

That said, there are much harder things. I think of the single parents who are working and taking care of kids.

Life is a challenge at times.

What do you do when things seem unmanageable?


  1. I pray for God's help for you at work, a lighter burden, and peaceful, restful sleep!

    I understand only too well about not keeping up with important things. Wish I had a good spiritual answer about being overwhelmed alot of the time. Wish I also had a sincere practical answer.

    May the Lord continue to work out His purpose in our lives!

  2. Ditto E Helena!

    I try to pray, drink tea, stop and breathe deeply, make lots of lists, when things seem unmanageable.

  3. I am working hard at trying not to worry about all the things to do and just tackle one thing at a time. It is all as it should be - you will get done what needs to get done.

  4. Take it one day at a time. Seriously. You know it's going to work out in the end just like it's meant to, so give yourself a break - while working hard, but remember - one day at a time.

    You're in my prayers.

  5. I agree, RW. And multi-tasking (or trying to) only makes things worse.
    But I won't get started on a rant about multi-tasking...

    The "bank teller" approach is a good one: focus on one person, one thing at a time until finished, blocking out all else, no matter how long the impatient line-up is. Bank tellers never look at the line-up! My husband reminds me of this when I get stressed out and overwhelmed.

  6. thanks everyone. i know i need to learn to not let myself be overwhelmed and not worry so much...

    it is a bit hard for me right now... I am glad God is merciful....

  7. I'm definitely not the person to ask for advice on this one. I'm usually struggling with this myself. It's hard, and I feel somewhat like a failure when it happens. Thankfully, I'm slowly improving. I'm not sure how though.

    It's probably because I'm focusing more on God and allowing Him to be active in my life.

    Prayers for you.

  8. thank you for your prayers. we are saved together and i by many!
